Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Development of the large penetration scheme in covariant form for frictional contact problems. Short Papers of the 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, T. Lodygowski, J. Rakowski, T. Garbowski, W. Sumelka (eds), pp. MS14-7 - MS14-8, 2013
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D frictionless contact problems with large load-steps based on the covariant description for higher order approximation. Engineering Structures 50, 107-114, 2013 DOI
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D contact problems with covariant description for large load steps. Proceedings of the 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), 22 - 25 July 2012, Karlsruhe, Germany. Ed.: H.S. Müller, KIT Scientific Publishing, Karlsruhe, 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D contact problems with large load-steps based on the covariant description. Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Computational Mechanics for Spatial Structures, A. Ibrahimbegovic et. al. (eds.), 154-155, 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Large penetration algorithm for 3D frictionless contact problems based on a covariant form. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 217-220, 186-196, 2012 DOI
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: On different variational formulations of the Nitsche method. Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics, D. Mueller-Hoeppe, S. Loehnert, S. Reese (eds.), Springer, 29-38, 2011
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Implementation of the Nitsche approach for various contact kinematics. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM) 10 (1), 169-170, 2010 DOI
Izi, R., Schweizerhof, K., Konyukhov, A.: Stability of thin-walled structures strongly coupled with contact. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM) 9, 257-258, 2009 DOI
Elbadry, M., Izi, R.: Shear strengthening of beam-column joints using steel reinforced polymers. Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), 302-312, 2008
Izi, R., Elbadry, M., Ibrahim, H.: Steel reinforced polymers enhance strenth and ductility of beam-column joints under seismic loads. Proc. of the 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference at Structures Congress 2008: Crossing Borders (ASCE), 1-10, 2008
Schweizerhof, K., Konyukhov, A., Izi, R., Strobl, M.: A solid beam element for wire rope simulation with a special contact algorithm, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), 2014
Strobl, M., Konyukhov, A., Izi, R., Schweizerhof, K.: A solid beam element including cross section deformation dedicated for cable contact, Contact Mechanics International Symposium - CMIS, Abu Dhabi, Feb 3-5, 2014
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Various efficient contact formulations in covariant form, Contact Mechanics International Symposium - CMIS, Abu Dhabi, Feb 3-5, 2014
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Development of the large penetration scheme in covariant form for frictional contact problems. 20th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM 2013), Poznan, Poland, August 2013
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Investigations of 3D contact problems using the large penetration scheme based on the covariant formulation for different contact approaches and higher order approximations of the contact surfaces. European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS) 2012, Vienna, Austria, 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D contact problems with covariant description for large load-steps. 9th fib International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Karlsruhe, Germany, July 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D contact problems with large load-steps. Status seminar of the Institute for Scientific Computations and Mathematical Modeling, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: 3D contact problems with large load-steps based on the covariant description. 7th International Conference on Computational Mechanics for Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM) 2012, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, April 2012
Schweizerhof, K., Konyukhov, A., Izi, R.: Covariant formulation for 3D contact problems using the large penetration scheme. EUROMECH 514: New trends in Contact Mechanics, Cargese, France, March 2012
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Covariant description for contact problems with large load steps. 2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM) 2011, Hannover, Germany, June 2011
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Nitsche approach for various contact kinematics. Status seminar of the Institute for Scientific Computations and Mathematical Modeling, Karlsruhe, Germany, April 2010
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Implementation of the Nitsche approach for various contact kinematics. 81th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM 2010), Karlsruhe, Germany, March 2010
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: FE schemes for stability problems strongly coupled with contact. 3rd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Hannover, Germany, September 2009
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Stability of thin-walled structures strongly coupled with contact. 80th Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (GAMM 2009), Gdansk, Poland, February 2009
Elbadry, M., Izi, R.: Shear strengthening of beam-column joints using steel-reinforced polymers. 5th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Canada, September 2008
Schweizerhof, K., Ewert, E., Izi, R., Konyukhov, A.: Stability and sensitivity of shell-like structures considering imperfections and contact. 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2008), Venice, Italy, June 2008
Schweizerhof, K., Ewert, E., Izi, R., Konyukhov, A.: Stability and sensitivity analysis of imperfect shells involving contact. 6th International Conference on Computational Mechanics for Spatial Structures (IASS-IACM 2008), Ithace, USA, May 2008
Ibrahim, H., Elbadry, M., Izi, R.: Steel reinforced polymers enhance strength and ductility of beam-column joints under seismic loads. 18th Analysis and Computation Specialty Conference at Structures Congress, Vancouver, Canada, April 2008
Betreute Arbeiten (SA, DA, BA, MA)
Jomo, John Njuguna: Development and analysis of isogeometric nonlinear solid-beam elements and extensions to contact formulations (MA, 2014)
Mrenes, Oana: Implementierung und Analyse von Kontaktelementen für Solid-Beam-Elemente (BA, 2014)
Niesel, Isabelle: Implementierung und Analyse des Large Penetration Algorithmus für 2D Kontaktprobleme (BA, 2013)
Hadzibeti, Merita: Implementierung und Analyse von Nitsche-Formulierungen für 1D und 2D Kontaktprobleme (BA, 2013)
Lorenz, Christian: Development and analysis of contact layer elements extended to the finite cell method (DA, 20129
Strobl, Michael: Entwicklung und Implementierung von gemischten Ansätzen für geometrisch nichtlineare Solid-Beam-Elemente mit elliptischem Querschnitt (DA, 2012)
Kikis, Georgia: Implementierung und Analyse verschiedener Zeitintegrationsverfahren für Stoß- und Wechselstoßvorgänge in Stab- und Balkenstrukturen mit der Methode der Finiten Elemente (BA, 2012)
Klarmann, Simon: Implementierung und Analyse von Kontaktelementen für Solid-Beam-Elemente (SA, 2012)
Lorenz, Christian: Implementierung und Analyse von Scheibenelementen mit höheren Ansatzfunktionen verschiedener Klassen (SA, 2011)
Fassin, Marek: Implementierung eines 2-Knoten-Stabelements unter Verwendung der geometrisch und physikalisch nichtlinearen Elastizitätstheorie (SA, 2011)
Brien, Jan: Implementierung und Vergleich eines 20-Knoten-Hexaeder-Elements mit einem 8-Knoten-Hexaeder-Element (SA, 2011)
Fingerhut, Christopher: Implementierung eines isoparametrischen 8-Knoten-Hexaeder-Elements mit gemischten Ansätzen unter Verwendung symbolischer Programmierung (SA, 2011)
Strobl, Michael: Implementierung und Vergleich eines 20-Knoten-Hexaeder-Elements zu einem 8-Knoten-Hexaeder-Element mit gemischten Ansätzen (SA, 2010)
Krummenacker, Janna: Implementierung von isoparametrischen Dreieck-Scheibenelementen mit linearen, quadratischen und kubischen Lagrange-Ansätzen (SA, 2010)
Schulenberg, Lukas: Implementierung von isoparametrischen Scheibenelementen mit quadratischen und kubischen Lagrange-Ansätzen (SA, 2010)