Veröffentlichungen 2011
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: On different variational formulations of the Nitsche method. Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics, D. Mueller-Hoeppe, S. Loehnert, S. Reese (eds), pp 29-38, 2011
Metzger, A., Konkuykhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Finite element implementation for the Euler-Eytelwein problem and further use in FEM simulation of common nautical knots. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11(1):249-250, 2011, DOI
Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: On a geometrically exact theory for contact interactions. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11(1), 2011, DOI
Gross, D., Seelig, Th.: Fracture mechanics - With an introduction to micromechanics. Springer, 2011
Gross, D., Seelig, Th.: Bruchmechanik - Mit einer Einführung in die Mikromechanik. Springer, 2011
Helbig, M., Seelig, Th.: Micro-mechanical modeling of fibrillation in amorphous polymers. Computational Materials Science 52(1), pp118-122, 2012, DOI
Helbig, M., Seelig, Th.: Crack tip fields in rubber-toughened polymers. PAMM, Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 11, 149-150 (2011) DOI
Konferenz- und Workshopbeiträge 2011
Gebhardt, M., Maurer, A., Schweizerhof, K.: On the hydraulic and structural design of fluid and gas filled inflatable dams to control water flows in rivers. Structural Membranes 2011, V Int. Conf. on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Barcelona, Spain, October 2011
Maurer, A., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Finite element analysis of multi-chamber Tensairity-like structures filled with fluid and/or gas. Structural Membranes 2011, V Int. Conf. on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, Barcelona, Spain, October 2011
Seelig, Th., Helbig, M., Hempel, P.: Multiscale modeling of failure in thermoplastic polymers. Invited keynote lecture. Advances in Polymer Science and Technology (APST) 2, Linz, Austria, Sep 28-30, 2011
Schmied, Ch., Mattern, S., Schweizerhof, K.: An automated and efficient implementation concept for shell elements with high computational performance in explicit time integration. GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Dresden, Germany, Aug 31 - Sep 2, 2011, PDF
Knoll, O., Schweizerhof, K., Hopperstad, O.S., Langseth, M.: Failure modeling in aluminium HPDC components: Using a probabilistic approach. GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, Dresden, Germany, Aug 31 - Sep 2, 2011
Haufe, A., Lorenz, D., Schweizerhof, K.: Zum Stand der Simulation von hochfesten und pressgehärteten Stählen im Kontext der Prozesskette "Umformen - Crash". K. Roll Kolloquium: Virtueller Engineering- und Planungsprozess in der Prozesskette Karosserie, Herrsching, Germany, September 2011
Schweizerhof, K., Konyukhov, A.: A contact model for rope and shell interaction. TCCM2011, Trends & Challenges in Computational Mechanics, Padua, Italy, September 2011
Hempel, P., Seelig, Th.: Modeling the finite strain deformation of amorphous thermoplastic polymers accounting for processing induced initial anisotropy. 2. International Conference on Material Modelling ICMM, Paris, August 2011
Franz, U., Münz, Th., Stahlschmidt, S., Gromper, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Development of highly validated dummy-models for crash simulations. 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota, July 2011
Schweizerhof, K., Konyukhov, A.: A contact model for ropes and rigid bodies - from verification of the Euler-Eytelwein problem to knots. 11th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Minneapolis - St. Paul, Minnesota, July 2011
Mattern, S., Schweizerhof, K.: Highly efficient solid-shell finite elements for dynamic applications - an implementation concept using symbolic programming. 8th International Conference on Strucutural Dynamics (EURODYN2011), Leuven, Belgium, July 2011
Knoll, O., Hopperstad, O.S., Langseth, M., Schweizerhof, K.: Numerical modelling of aluminium die-castings using a probabilistic approach. 3rd International Conference on Impact Loading of Lightweight Structures (ICILLS 2011), Valenciennes, France, June 28 - July 1, 2011, PDF, Poster (PDF)
Hempel, P., Seelig, Th.: Talcum particle modified thermoplastics, part II: computational modeling. 13. Problemseminar "Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen", Merseburg, Germany, June 2011, PDF
Helbig, M., Seelig, Th.: Multiscale modeling of deformation and failure in ABS materials. 13. Problemseminar "Deformation und Bruchverhalten von Kunststoffen", Merseburg, Germany, June 2011, PDF
Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Contact between curves and rigid surfaces - theory and verification. II. International Conf. on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM2011), Hannover, Germany, June 2011
Izi, R., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Covariant description for contact problems with large load steps. II. International Conf. on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM2011), Hannover, Germany, June 2011
Metzger, A., Konyukhov, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Finite element implementation for the Euler-Eytelwein problem and further use in FE simulation of common nautical knots. II. International Conf. on Computational Contact Mechanics (ICCCM2011), Hannover, Germany, June 2011
Maurer, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Stability of fluid and/or gas filled thin-walled multi-chamber structures using quasi-static fluid-structure interaction. 4th International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (Coupled Problems 2011), Kos, Greece, June 2011
Lorenz, D., Haufe, A., Schweizerhof, K.: Berücksichtigung der Mikrostrukturentwicklung in der Blechumformsimulation: Status und Ausblick. 14. Workshop "Simulation in der Umformtechnik", Institut für Umformtechnik und Leichtbau, TU Dortmund, März 2011