DFG-Gemeinschaftsprojekt Schaumstoffe
Simulation von Schaumstoffen mit stark nichtlinearem Verhalten
Hohenwart Forum
The joint project "foams", supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG from 1999, was a cooperation of teams from the universities of Stuttgart (Prof. Ehlers), Karlsruhe (Prof. Schweizerhof), Hannover (Prof. Wriggers) and Kaiserslautern (Prof. Maier).
Aim of this project was to improve the possibility of simulating foamed materials in the non-linear area. The focal points of investigation were: porous medium (Prof. Ehlers), multiscale method (Prof. Schweizerhof) and ALE-formulation (Prof. Wriggers). The team of Prof. Maier carried out the experiments on Neopolen material.
The results are presented and compared with contributions from research and industry.
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