Multiscale analysis of porous foams under large deformations

  • contact:

    Dipl.-Ing. Johann Bitzenbauer
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karl Schweizerhof

  • funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Deformations of porous foams

Description of the project

Many foams can be idealized as bodies, consisting of microstructures. The macroscopic deformations of porous foams are determined by their geometry on a smaller scale (their microstructure). The direct approach to model such geometries with Finite Elements leads to a huge number of unknowns and the solution of the resulting equations is still a problem even for modern computers. In this project, different approaches are discussed to solve the multiscale problem (homogenization, multigrid, domain decomposition). The left picture shows an example of a microstructure. The macroscopic problem was solved with a multigrid technique, its deformed configuration is shown on the right picture.