Moritz Hille, M.Sc.
- office hours:
Monday, 2.00 - 3.00
- room: 211
CS 10.30 - phone: +49 721 608-46081
- moritz hille ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Otto-Ammann-Platz 9
76131 Karlsruhe
Computational mechanics
Simulation of coupled electro-thermo-mechanical systems
Mixed finite element method
Nonlinear viscoelasticity
Teaching (Exercises)
Grundlagen Finite Elemente (WS 2023/24)
Einführung in die Kontinuumsmechanik (SS 2023)
Dynamik (WS 2022/23)
Festigkeitslehre (SS 2022)
Statik starrer Körper (WS 2021/22)
Baudynamik (WS 2020/21)
Betreute Arbeiten (BA, MA)
Pleßke, Tim: Gemischte Finite-Elemente-Methode für die Dynamik quasi-inkompressibler, linear-viskoelastischer Systeme (BA, August 2024)
Prandl, Jonas: Schwingungsverhalten eines abgespannten Mastes: Numerische Untersuchung geometrischer Nichtlinearitäten und energieerhaltende Zeitintegration (BA, August 2023)
Latussek, Lisa: Finite element analysis of a bar element made of linear thermoviscoelastic material (BA, Juli 2022)
Hamadi, Lunes: Finite-Elemente-Methode für die Dynamik linear-thermoelastischer Systeme am Beispiel eines Dehnstabs (BA, März 2022)
Jundt, Jonas: Fußgängerbrücke mit Schwingungstilger - Dynamische Modellbildung und optimale Tilgerauslegung (BA, Februar 2022)
Zähringer, Felix: Design of an energy and momentum consistent time integration scheme based on a polyconvex inspired mixed thermo-electro-mechanic framework (MA, November 2021)
Hummel, Beatrice Cordelia: Finite-Elemente-Methode für die Dynamik linear-viskoelastischer Polymere am Beispiel eines Dehnstabs (BA, Juli 2021)
Mols, Felix: Analyse des Schwingungsverhaltens eines Einfeldträgers unter beweglicher Belastung mittels Finite-Differenzen-Methode (BA, Juli 2021)
On Computational Mechanics for Novel Design of Advanced Materials, CISM-ECCOMAS, Udine, Italy, October 04-08, 2021
Franke, M., Zähringer, F., Hille, M., Ortigosa, R., Betsch, P., Gil, A.: A Novel Mixed and Energy-Momentum Consistent Framework for Coupled Nonlinear Thermo-Electro-Elastodynamics. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Eng., 124, 2135–2170, 2023, DOI
Hille, M., Pfefferkorn, R., Betsch, P.: Locking-Free Mixed Finite Element Methods and Their Spurious Hourglassing Patterns. In: Aldakheel, F., Hudobivnik, B., Soleimani, M., Wessels, H., Weißenfels, C., Marino, M. (eds) Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics. Springer, Cham, 2022, DOI
Franke, M., Ortigosa, R., Gil, A., Hille, M.: Energy-Momentum Scheme For Nonlinear Thermo-Electro-Elastodynamics. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM) ECCOMAS Congress 2020, DOI
Hille, M., Franke, M., Zähringer, F., Ortigosa, R., Betsch, P., Gil, A.: A Polyconvexity-Inspired Mixed Formulation and Structure-Preserving Discretization for Coupled Nonlinear Electro-Thermo-Elastodynamics. 10th International Conference of Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, Chania (Crete), Greece, June 5-7, 2023
Hille, M., Pfefferkorn, R. and Betsch, P.: Spurious Hourglassing Patterns of Locking-Free Mixed Finite-Element Methods for Nearly Incompressible Large Deformation Solid Mechanics, 92nd GAMM Annual Meeting, Aachen, Germany, August 19, 2022